Coupals Primary Academy


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Curriculum Intent

Through the Computing curriculum at Coupals Primary Academy, we aim to give our pupils the life-skills necessary to embrace and utilise technology in a safe and responsible manner that changes the way work and live our lives. We are preparing children for workplaces of the future, jobs that may not have even been invented yet, and giving them the skills to truly thrive in the 21st century in a changing landscape of employment. Children will become independent users of a range of technologies and devices to become digitally literate. A focus on computational thinking allows pupils to think critically and to demonstrate our core value of determination when they encounter bugs. While we are primarily driven by our use of 1:1 iPads children experience a wide range of technology in school. We aim to instil a love of computing in our pupils to encourage further study of the subject and create digital citizens with an understanding of themselves within their local and global community. Through the teaching of computing we also aim to harness children’s creativity through creating opportunities in the digital arts and beyond.

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