Welcome to Key Stage One
Key Stage 1 is a very exciting stage in a child’s learning in which they enter the National Curriculum. Our Key Stage 1 curriculum is designed and delivered in line with the National Curriculum, schemes we have adopted are CUSP, Maths Mastery, Kapow and Jigsaw PSHE. Our aim for Key Stage 1 learners is for them to develop excellent foundations in communication (reading, writing and speaking & listening) and maths through a range of creative and learning experiences. In Year 1 we use a Continuous Provision approach similar to that of Reception to support and enhance pupils’ learning.
In Key Stage 1 we currently use Sounds Write for our phonics and reading scheme. This scheme allows us to allocate books for children to access from home (online) that supports them in securing their phonics skills as they develop their skills as a reader. Some children in Key Stage 1 will begin to use Accelerated Reader online to for reading comprehension activities.
In Key Stage 1 we use Kinetic Letters for our handwriting scheme. This supports children to develop accurate letter formation and increase automatic recall, allowing them to focus more on the content of their writing.
In Key Stage 1 we currently use Sounds Write reading books, supplemented by other schemes. Some children in Key Stage 1 will begin to use Accelerated Reader online for reading comprehension activities.
Our children say…
“The best thing about Coupals is reading our books because they are hard”
“I like it when we use our learning partners”
“The best thing about Coupals is learning to be a good handwriter”
“My favourite thing at Coupals are the computers because we have maths games that help me learn”
“I like my teachers because they give me challenges”
Our Classes
Year One
Teacher: Mrs Parsons
Learning Assistant: Mrs True
Year Two / Three
Teacher: Mrs Marchesi
Learning Assistant: Mrs Grice
Teacher: Mrs Sisson
Learning Assistant: Mrs Reeves