Coupals Primary Academy

School Performance

KS2 Performance Data 2023/2024

The % of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics60%
The % of pupils achieving a higher standard in reading, writing and mathematics9%
The % of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading69%
The % of pupils achieving a higher standard in reading26%
The % of pupils achieving the expected standard in writing 81%
The % of pupils achieving the higher standard in writing19%
The % of pupils achieving the expected standard in mathematics72%
The % of pupils achieving a higher standard in mathematics16%
The % of pupils achieving the expected standard in GPS74%

Key Statistical Information

Coupals Primary Academy Performance Data

The above link will take you to an overview of the attainment figures of the school for the past academic year (with a comparison to previous years).

Compare Our Performance

The above link will take you to the Department of Education’s Performance tables and you can see how our school compares within our County and nationally.

No primary test or assessment data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022. You can view the 2019 data however this data may no longer reflect a school’s current performance

Financial Benchmarking

You can view your school or academy trust’s financial data, see how it compares with others and use the information to establish relationships with other schools or multi-academy trusts.


To view our latest Ofsted report please click on the link above.

You can share your experiences of our school via Ofsted’s Parent View.